Health proxy advocate

How we can help you

We provide the highest quality educational experience to enlighten clients as to their underlying illness or injury, interpretation of medical terms, alternatives of action and to empower the client to confidently and intelligently decide a course of action consistent with their own life plans and desires, always with their best interests in mind.

Education on Healthcare issues

Proactive, acute and long term.

  • A specific disease process
  • Diagnostic tests – what are they and why are they ordered
  • What are the results of diagnostic tests and what are their implications going forward
  • What are the options for treatment, second opinions and refusal of treatment
  • What are the patient’s rights – at office, at hospital, with insurance company denials downgrades and status determinations (Inpatient or Outpatient)
  • What are the patient’s right with Medicare/Medicaid – status determinations, complaint process, concerns for early discharge, and appeals of decisions
  • Interact with all healthcare providers as necessary
  • Become a proxy advocate through a Medical Power of Attorney or Advanced Care Directive
about a proxy

What is a proxy?

Qualifications of Proxy

  • Medical knowledge
  • Totally independent – thought and action
  • Up to date with medical knowledge/procedures
  • Empathetic
  • Compassionate
  • Educator/ teacher – ability to simplify concepts
  • No connection with family or financial decisions, i.e., no conflicts of interests
  • Access to health information/events
  • Health Portal
  • Physician(s)
  • Personal communications
  • Anticipate events based on ongoing activities

Benefits of a Proxy

  • Limits contention/friction between family members/heirs
  • Proxy is a true fiduciary
  • Proxy is truly independent
  • Relieves stress on
  • Family members
  • Doctors
  • Treating team (nurses, aides, caretakers, social workers, etc)
  • Objectivity on treatment, timing, hospice, palliative care, etc.

Who is a Proxy for?

  • Widow/Widower
  • Any single person
  • Couples
  • Any person with no one else to look out after interests
  • Anyone with limited health/medical knowledge
our services
